Use "made his life a misery|make his life a misery" in a sentence

1. Everything conspired to make her life a misery.

2. 23 My supervisor has made my life a misery.

3. She leads a life of unmitigated misery.

4. The reason to his reclusion was in his feeling of historical disillusion and of misery life.

5. Go put the bum out of his misery.

6. Sketchbook is all about pill popping and discovering the portfolio of Martin Hughes told as a life story that runs through the entire misery of his life to date.

7. To end his misery, Walter decided to jump off a bridge.

8. Paul strode towards the parlour, his misery forgotten.

9. Competitive mothers can make their daughters' lives a misery.

10. Wars add misery on misery.

11. 14 Competitive mothers can make their daughters' lives a misery.

12. Don't be such a misery.

13. No one should make a profit off of the misery of others.

14. She made his life hell.

15. So how to live Cheaply without the misery of frugal life? Here are the ways

16. Injustice had made her peevish , and misery had made her ugly.

17. His heritage from me could only have been misery, poverty and the lash.

18. The farmer tugged all his life to make a living.

19. The actress is asking the court to protect her from an obsessive fan who is making her life a misery.

20. These people lead a life of misery and are denied the most basic of human rights: the right to food.

21. Misery Acquaints a man with strange bedfellows

22. A poor wedding is a prologue to misery.

23. His spare style defined American modernism, and his life made machismo a clich é.

24. 27 She accepted the kiss with icy disdain, and his misery was complete.

25. Misery has drained her.

26. In addressing his case, Simpson says Fuhrman is a critical link to the misery that has befallen him.

27. Misery is easy, Syracuse.

28. Trinculo: Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.

29. Oh come on, don't be such a misery!

30. He is nothing but meat and flesh and tendon, put him out of his misery.

31. Like “Affliction is not misery

32. You pathetic misery-addled mess.

33. War begets misery and ruin.

34. Chewing Their Way to Misery!

35. It will lead to misery.

36. Living without the help of God’s organization and his standards would result in unhappiness and misery.

37. Shakespeare appears to have originated the term, with his “Misery Acquaints a man with strange bedfellows” (The Tempest, 2.2)

38. 25 Then he just wandered away, hands plunged down the back of his underpants with misery.

39. His one aim in life was to make money .

40. The party would make a pleasant diversion in his rather dull social life.

41. Having the children had made his life more liveable.

42. His wife's death left a vacuum in his life.

43. His life makes a compelling story .

44. I sank deeper into my misery.

45. + 6 Jehovah God then provided a bottle-gourd plant* to grow up over Joʹnah, to give him shade for his head and to relieve his misery.

46. It is a pleasure that misery is shard by others.

47. Do not express joy before one sick in pain, for that contrary passion will aggravate his misery.

48. His life hung by a thread.

49. The Misery of Civil Strife

50. 20 Sadly, drugs used in a desperate attempt to save his life made most of his organs unusable.

51. He looked the personification of misery.

52. The child's misery tore my heart.

53. Unfortunately, the Ego has made a monopoly of guilt, seeing it as a splendid excuse for misery and martyrdom.

54. A firefighter saved a little girl's life at the expense of his life.

55. These were noises to stave off the silence into which misery might seep, noises to throw against the hardness of life.

56. She will make my misery more tolerable, my slavery only half-slavery, my exile less a banishment.

57. His friendship was the one thing that made life bearable.

58. He gave his life as a sacrifice for his country.

59. 12 Stannum (Tin) — The Refinement of Torment fuels a Promethean 's quest for vengeance by showing him how to embrace his misery.

60. She was a heartless, money-grabbing woman who made her fortune from the misery and desperation of others.

61. Candy, if you want me to, I'll put that old dog out of his misery right now.

62. There has obviously been a conscious decision and determination on his part to make his life a fulfilment of prophetic utterance.

63. A miser loves gold above his life.

64. The news plunged him into abject misery .

65. His life hung by a single thread.

66. He remained a bachelor all his life.

67. His induction as a teacher was a turning point in his life.

68. When misery could Beguile the tyrant's rage

69. 17 Stop grumbling,( you old misery.

70. He was a socialist all his life.

71. Everyone's misery, you even cause misery... and use your alchemy... to turn it into gold, like some fucking black magician!

72. 7 These were noises to stave off the silence into which misery might seep,( noises to throw against the hardness of life.

73. Please, put me out of my misery.

74. He who sows misery, reaps but penury!

75. He endured agonies of loneliness and misery.

76. Afflatus Misery is a White Mage spell learned at level 74

77. Our reader was invited to make his annual contribution to his Equitable Life pension plan.

78. But my misery had good company.

79. Destruction and misery attend on war.

80. Let's put you out of your misery.